• The Atlas of unburnable oil

  • Impact of resource extraction activities
    in tropical systems

  • Dynamics of the Earth System
    in greenhouse climates

  • Co-evolution of natural and socials
    systems through time

  • Science can bring a better and
    more sustainable future for all

  • A unique place
    to do amazing research

  • We go to incredible places
    to do impossible things

  • Interdisciplinary advanced research

Research on Anthropogenic Impacts in Natural Systems

Our research is on global change.

We study the impact of human activities on the natural environment.

The approach we adopt is highly interdisciplinary, combining tools from envirionmental chemistry, remote sensing, wildlife observation, and citizen science. We bridge the natural and social sciences to study the Earth System from an integrated perspective.

To achieve this, we have 2 complementary strategies:

  1. characterize the natural dynamics of the Earth system components and their interactions
  2. find out how these dynamics, and the associated processes, are transformed in response to human activities.

We target different spatial and temporal scales to have access to areas and time periods with different levels of anthropogenic impacts (e.g. remote areas, past climate changes).


Featured Projects

The Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement (ERICA) is an Erasmus+ project that started in Novembre 2023. ERICA's main objective is to improve citizens’ environmental awareness and civic engagement through the development of a new educational methodology on citizen science for environmental monitoring. Citizens will gain the capacity to initiate and manage citizen science initiatives, collect and assess environmental information, and convert such data into "actionable knowledge" that is perceived as useful and immediately applicable by citizens, local authorities, academic institutions, and NGOs.

To limit the increase in global mean temperature to 1.5 °C, CO2 emissions must be drastically reduced. Accordingly, approximately 97%, 81%, and 71% of existing coal and conventional gas and oil resources, respectively, need to remain unburned. The UNBURNED project will develop the first global geospatial platform integrating policy-relevant information on fossil fuel reserves, state-level political indicators, biodiversity indicators, and social and economic indicators associated with fossil fuel divestment plans, impacts and activities. The platform will be presented in the COP29 next November and will propose sensitive areas that should remain entirely off-limits to fossil fuel extraction.

December 2019 to November 2023

Tropical climates are changing rapidly in the most populated regions of the planet. The changes largely arise from alterations in the Hadley circulation driven by natural and anthropogenic factors, ...

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