
Ongoing projects

  • Cambio Climático
  • Química Ambiental

The Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement (ERICA) is an Erasmus+ project that started in Novembre 2023. ERICA's main objective is to improve citizens’ environmental awareness and civic engagement through the development of a new educational methodology on citizen science for environmental monitoring. Citizens will gain the capacity to initiate and manage citizen science initiatives, collect and assess environmental information, and convert such data into "actionable knowledge" that is perceived as useful and immediately applicable by citizens, local authorities, academic institutions, and NGOs.

  • Cambio Climático

To limit the increase in global mean temperature to 1.5 °C, CO2 emissions must be drastically reduced. Accordingly, approximately 97%, 81%, and 71% of existing coal and conventional gas and oil resources, respectively, need to remain unburned. The UNBURNED project will develop the first global geospatial platform integrating policy-relevant information on fossil fuel reserves, state-level political indicators, biodiversity indicators, and social and economic indicators associated with fossil fuel divestment plans, impacts and activities. The platform will be presented in the COP29 next November and will propose sensitive areas that should remain entirely off-limits to fossil fuel extraction.

December 2019 to November 2023
  • Cambio Climático
  • Biogeoquímica
  • Aerosols
  • Circulación atmosférica
  • Isótopos Estables

Tropical climates are changing rapidly in the most populated regions of the planet. The changes largely arise from alterations in the Hadley circulation driven by natural and anthropogenic factors, ...

January 2019 to September 2022
  • Isótopos Estables

Up to 11% of worlds rainforests overlap with conventional oil and natural gas reserves. In this context, the occurrence of petroleum-extraction activities in the Amazon and their impact on the environment and those indigenous populations living in the vicinity of these areas has generated a great deal of controversy. A major cause for concern has been the reported high levels of oil-related lead in the blood of members of remote indigenous communities. On a different vein, the use of lead-based ammunition, which in 2003 had a global consumption of 120,000 tons, is a very important source of direct lead release to soil at the global level. This study aims at providing new insights into lead (and other heavy metals) pollution in remote areas of the planet, and at establishing their potential sources.

Las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores constituyen un problema importante de salud pública y reemergente en América Latina. En ecosistemas de gran biodiversidad, como la cuenca del Amazonas, los ...

Según la Organización Mundial de Salud, la transmisión del virus SARS-CoV-2 comenzó a partir del contacto con animales silvestres, posiblemente en mercados locales de la ciudad china de Wuhan. Debida

Asegurar la sostenibilidad de la caza de vida silvestre en los bosques tropicales es crucial para garantizar la conservación de las especies de caza y salvaguardar la seguridad alimentaria y los ...

July 2017 to December 2021

All Eyes on the Amazon is a programme that supports indigenous peoples in their fight against deforestation and ecosystem degradation. It combines state-of-the-art technology, such as satellites, innovative mobile apps and drones, to detect deforestation, forest degradation, illegal gold mining and oil spills, and report them to eventually stop them.

Past projects

  • Isótopos Estables

Finalidad del proyecto: adquisición de un sistema de análisis de isótopos estables de compuestos específicos para ampliar la capacidad de análisis del Laboratorio de Análisis de Isótopos Estables de ...

  • Cambio Climático
  • Biogeoquímica

La temática de la propuesta es el estudio del ciclo de carbono marino y su papel en el clima global al modular las concentraciones atmosféricas de CO2. La investigación de esta interacción ...

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