
Membres actius i passats

Meet Our Valuable Team

Research Professor

I am an Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. I hold a PhD in Environmental Sciences (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology - Autonomous University of Barcelona), a ...

Professor Titular

I am Professor at the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy (UAB). Degree in ex situ Wildlife Management and a Master in Public Management and Sustainable Development. From 2000, my research is ...

Postdoctoral researcher

I hold my PhD at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) in February 2021. Previously, I hold a BSc in Environmental Science ...

Estudiant de doctorat

Ashley Braunthal és de Connecticut (EUA). Va obtenir el títol de llicenciat (2014) en Geologia i Estudis de Llengua Alemanya pel Bates College, Maine (EUA) i un Màster (2020) en Ciències Marines i ...

Investigadora postdoctoral

Nascuda a prop de París, França, Nina va començar la seva formació com a estudiant en el prestigiós ENS de Lyon, França, i va realitzar diverses pràctiques de recerca, incloent-hi una al CEREGE, ...

Postdoctoral researcher

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona. I hold a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology - Autonomous University of ...

Research assistant

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Biology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), which included an exchange program during the last year at the San Francisco de Quito

Postdoctoral researcher
Master's student

I hold a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico) and a Postgraduate certificate in Zoning, Environmental Impact and Ecological Restoration from ...


Josep-Anton Morguí
Josep-Anton Morguí
Clara Laguna
Clara Laguna
Cristina Herrero
Cristina Herrero
Francesc Borràs
Francesc Borràs
Mélanie Wary
Mélanie Wary
Min Cao
Min Cao
Nadia Tarifa Mateo
Nadia Tarifa Mateo
Pedro Rivas Ruiz
Pedro Rivas Ruiz
Raúl Yusta Garcia
Raúl Yusta Garcia
Roger Curcoll
Roger Curcoll